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Education: Major Histocompatibility Complex Tutorial now on YouTube
Submitted by Eric Martz; posted on Saturday, July 25, 2023
A tutorial on Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) molecular structure and function has been posted on YouTube (go to MolviZ.Org and click on MHC). It comes with an immediate-feedback quiz, and a set of open-ended questions to provoke discussion. A teachers's guide includes answers to the open-ended questions. The tutorial features 3D atomic-resolution structures, and covers:
- Main functions of MHC classes I and II with CD8 and CD4 T lymphocytes.
- Cells expressing each class of MHC.
- Sources of peptides in the proteasome and lysosome.
- GO超神租号:★GTA5是国外游戏,线上模式要用加速器才可伍玩,推荐使用付费好点的加速器★1:显示无法使用离线模式:这种情况一般是没开加速器或者加速效果不好或者游戏文件不完整造成,解决办法{如图},还有一种情况是游戏官方服务器不稳定造成,这个没办法解决
- Severe immunodeficiency resulting from genetic absence of MHC II.
- 设计师加速利器 支持Thunderbolt 3的笔记本推荐-酷睿,笔记本 ...:16 小时前 · LG gram 2021款:15.6寸大屏、18.5小时续航、1.1千克机身 购买 地址 LG gram 2021款又是一款轻薄兼备高性能的神器,15.6 ...
- Evolutionary conservation of CD8 binding site and residues binding peptide anchor residues and ends. Variability in sequences of lips of the cleft due to alleles needed to accomodate wide range of peptides.
- Peptide side chains buried (anchor residues) vs. exposed to T cell surveillance.
- Comparison of two different peptides in MHC I from perspective of T cells.
- Structure of MHC class II: Alpha and beta chains, peptide in cleft with open ends.
- Eric Martz, 哪些加速器按小时算的
- Frieda Reichsman,
The video is an enhanced screen capture of an interactive tutorial (free and open source) that became unusable in recent years because popular web browsers no longer support Java applets. Eventually, the interactive tutorial may be ported to JSmol, which works in popular browsers. Until then, the video is available, and may also increase awareness due to the popularity of YouTube.
MolviZ.Org also has free, open source interactive tutorials on DNA, Hemoglobin, Antibody (also on YouTube), the Ramachandran Principle (also on YouTube), Lipid Bilayers and Membrane Channels, Collagen, the Lac Repressor, and many more.
Research: NIH researchers generate complete human X chromosome sequence
Submitted by J.W. Bizzaro; posted on Wednesday, July 15, 2023
阿里云GPU云服务器如何使用及价格介绍-站长之家 - · 阿里云GPU云服务器在公有云上提供的弹性GPU服务,可伍帮助用户快速用上GPU加速服务,并大大简化部署和运维的复杂度。GPU云服务器多适用于AI深度学习,科学计算,视频处理,图形可视化,等应用场景,有AMD S7150,Nvidia P100,Nvidia M40,Nvidia P4,Nvidia V100等型号,阿里云是国内首家与NGC GPU加速容器合作 ...
Education: Antibody Tutorial now on YouTube
Submitted by Eric Martz; posted on Saturday, July 11, 2023
A tutorial on Antibody molecular structure and function has been posted on YouTube (go to 可伍按小时购买的加速器 and click on Antibody). It comes with an immediate-feedback quiz, and a set of open-ended questions to provoke discussion. A teachers's guide includes answers to the open-ended questions. The tutorial features 3D atomic-resolution structures, and covers
- What is antibody? What is antigen?
- 推荐个免费加速器 已经免费几个月了 - 『精品软件区』 - 吾爱 ...:2021-9-12 · 其实就是酷跑网游加速器 可伍自己百度官网去下载 找不到官网的 我之前自己下载的分享出来 不知道能免费多久 暂时是公测 7月伇开始的我平常只玩英雄与将军 吃鸡比较 ... 推荐个免费加速器 已经免费几个月了 ,吾爱破解 - LCG - LSG |安卓破解|病毒分析|
- Immunoglobulin domains: beta strands, hydrophobic core.
- Heavy chains, light chains, disulfide bonds, glycosylation.
- Epitopes and paratopes. CDR's.
Authors are Eric Martz (Martz.MolviZ.Org) and Frieda Reichsman (
The video is an enhanced screen capture of an interactive tutorial (free and open source) that became unusable in recent years because popular web browsers no longer support Java applets. Eventually, the interactive tutorial may be ported to JSmol, which works in popular browsers. Until then, the video is available, and may also increase awareness due to the popularity of YouTube.
MolviZ.Org also has free, open source interactive tutorials on DNA, Hemoglobin, the Ramachandran Principle (also available at YouTube), Lipid Bilayers and Membrane Channels, Collagen, the Lac Repressor, and many more.
Education: Statistical Computing for Environmental Science with R and Rstudio
Submitted by Ana Rosa Gomez Cano; posted on Wednesday, June 24, 2023
August 10-14, 2023
解君愁 篇九:按需求选路由,看这一篇就够了_路由器怎么选 ...:2021-3-10 · 其实选购东西都一样,按需求、按预算选购,每一次购买都是为了提升自己的生活品质。所伍,买新的路由器本质上也是为了提高自己的生活品质啊。根据需求与预算结合,我将路由器的需求分为伍 …
This course will cover some advanced issues in most statistical computing workflow for Environmental Science. We will cover several aspects of data structure and workspace management, visualization techniques and statistical analysis using the free platforms and programming language R and Rstudio.
The course is given in four modules covering exploratory data analysis, univariate and multivariate statistical techniques and a final discussion session where students will work and discuss their projects.
Graduate or postgraduate degree in Life Sciences and basic knowledge of Statistics and R.
All participants must bring their own personal laptop and a good internet connection (Windows, Macintosh, Linux).
Education: Training in Programming for Biomedical Researchers @ NIH
Submitted by 可伍按小时购买的加速器; posted on Wednesday, June 10, 2023
July 14-17, 2023
National Institutes of Health (ONLINE)
Participants will get a brief introduction to the programming concepts, followed by hands-on walkthrough for writing scripts using the Unix Shell Programming Language, R, Perl and Python. We will start from reading the data, processing it and all the way until saving the processed data.
Computer programs are meant to perform repeated, monotonous, fast, reproducible tasks, handling any amount of data. Researchers often come across situations where existing programs don't suit their needs. In the era of BigData, without the ability to quickly put together a program that would solve their problem, researchers face a road block that is not efficiently solvable by a human. This training will walk through participants in writing programs that would help them solve their own problems.
Simultaneous access to two screens is highly recommended for adequate learning experience. Examples include two laptops, one computer with two screens, one laptop and one tablet, etc.
- Participants will work in a friendly Linux GUI Desktop environment.
- Participants will get a copy of all the scripts used in the class.
- 鲜牛加速器官网_为硬核玩家服务_按分钟计费,随时可暂停 ...:鲜牛加速器,采用自主研发”XN-硬核”黑科技极速引擎,海外专线,加速稳定,免费试用,是新二伋网游加速器产品!有效解决网游延迟,掉线,卡机等网络问题,让你低延迟,零束缚的畅快体验游戏乐趣!支持GTA5,荒野大镖客2,怪物猎人:世界,龙珠Z:卡卡罗特,僵尸部队,文明6,逃离塔科夫,使命召唤,看门口2,NBA2K19,巫师 ...
Hands-on Skills/Tools Taught:
- Programming concepts using Microbit MakeCode
- Programming in Unix Shell Language
- Programming in R using RStudio
- Programming in Python using Jupyter
- 可伍单天购买的加速器
- GitHub for version control
- 哪些加速器按小时算的
- Coding in the cloud
Education: Instructional videos on the use of the BIRCH/BioLegato system to perform BLAST searches
Submitted by Brian Fristensky; posted on Saturday, May 30, 2023
Installing BLAST Databases on Your Own Computer:
The BIRCH/BioLegato system provides easy point-and-click tools for installing, updating and searching BLAST databases on your own computer. This video describes some of the things you need to consider if you plan to install local copies of BLAST databases, including disk space and network download limits, and takes you through the automated install process.
BLAST Searches Through a Data Science Lens:
There's a lot more to BLAST searches than just running BLAST. We'll show how the BIRCH/BioLegato system implements Data Science principles to do database searches that are more informative, and to pipe your results directly into downstream analysis. Searches can be run either with copies of the databases installed on your computer, or by remote calls to BLAST at NCBI.
Video: 哪些加速器按小时算的
Education: Online course: Metagenomics, metatranscriptomics, and multi'omics for microbial community studies
Submitted by Carlo Pecoraro; posted on Wednesday, May 06, 2023
June 1-5, 2023
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic the Physalia course on "Metagenomics, metatranscriptomics, and multi'omics for microbial community studies" will be also held online.
Instructors: Dr. Curtis Huttenhower, Dr. Jeremy E. Wilkinson, Dr. Kelsey N Thompson, Dr. Eric Franzosa (Department of Biostatistics, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health)
This course will provide a thorough introduction to microbial community data analysis (metagenomics, metatranscriptomics, and other culture-independent molecular data) through a balanced approach of lectures and hands-on lab sessions. Course participants will learn how to process data from raw meta'omic sequencing files through appropriate bioinformatic methods and approaches for subsequent integrative statistical analyses. Participants are invited to bring their own data to the practical session on the final day or can use publicly available data from the Integrative Human Microbiome Project (HMP2).
Programme: 绝地求生大逃杀加速器|绝地求生大逃杀加速器永久 ...- 系统天堂:2021-6-28 · 绝地求生大逃杀加速器免费版是一款专门为绝地求生大逃杀游戏玩家推出的加速器,很多朋友都在问绝地求生大逃杀加速器用哪个好?其实不管是网易uu还是迅游或海豚加速器等都可伍玩,效果都差不多,各位可伍下载体验就知道。
All the Physalia courses will be held online until July:
Should you have any questions, please contact us at info[at]
Events: CfP: 15th Workshop on Workflows in Support of Large-Scale Science (WORKS20)
Submitted by Hoang Nguyen; posted on Wednesday, April 29, 2023
November 15, 2023, 9am-5:30pm
Georgia World Congress Center (GWCC), Atlanta, GA, USA
To be held in conjunction with SC 2023
Scientific workflows have been almost universally used across scientific domains and have underpinned some of the most significant discoveries of the past several decades. Workflow management systems (WMSs) provide abstraction and automation which enable a broad range of researchers to easily define sophisticated computational processes and to then execute them efficiently on parallel and distributed computing systems. As workflows have been adopted by a number of scientific communities, they are becoming more complex and require more sophisticated workflow management capabilities. A workflow now can analyze terabyte-scale data sets, be composed of one million individual tasks, require coordination between heterogeneous tasks, manage tasks that execute for milliseconds to hours, and can process data streams, files, and data placed in object stores. The computations can be single core workloads, loosely coupled computations, or tightly all within a single workflow, and can run in dispersed computing platforms.
This workshop focuses on the many facets of scientific workflow management systems, ranging from actual execution to service management and the coordination and optimization of data, service, and job dependencies. The workshop covers a broad range of issues in the scientific workflow lifecycle that include: scientific workflows representation and enactment; workflow scheduling techniques to optimize the execution of the workflow on heterogeneous infrastructures; workflow enactment engines that need to deal with failures in the application and execution environment; and a number of computer science problems related to scientific workflows such as semantic technologies, compiler methods, scheduling and fault detection and tolerance.
Full paper deadline: August 15, 2023
Paper acceptance notification: September 15, 2023
E-copyright registration completed by authors: October 1, 2023
Camera-ready deadline: October 1, 2023
Workshop: November 15, 2023
Full submission will be up to 8 pages long including references. All submitted papers will undergo a rigorous review process and each will have at least three reviews by members of the program committee. Papers will be accepted based on their technical contributions.
Software: BIRCH Bioinformatics System 3.60
Submitted by Brian Fristensky; posted on Wednesday, April 29, 2023
- GO超神租号:★GTA5是国外游戏,线上模式要用加速器才可伍玩,推荐使用付费好点的加速器★1:显示无法使用离线模式:这种情况一般是没开加速器或者加速效果不好或者游戏文件不完整造成,解决办法{如图},还有一种情况是游戏官方服务器不稳定造成,这个没办法解决
- Python3 compliance
- Updates to BLAST, FASTA database searches
- A comprehensive desktop bioinformatics system which comes with many of the commonly-used bioinformatics programs pre-installed
- A framework of tools, files, and documentation for organizing and managing a bioinformatics core facility
- An expandable system that allows you to merge 3rd party programs and documentation seamlessly into the standard BIRCH distribution
Download BIRCH at[...].html
Visit our YouTube Channel at[...]ublic
Events: The 27th International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP2023)
Submitted by 可伍单天购买的加速器; posted on Saturday, April 25, 2023
November 18-22, 2023
Bangkok, Thailand
The 27th International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP2023) aims to provide a leading international forum for researchers, scientists, and industry professionals who are working in neuroscience, neural networks, deep learning, and related fields to share their new ideas, progresses and achievements.
ICONIP2023 will be collocated with several events, including ACML, iSAI-NLP, JIST-KG, and AIoT.
ICONIP2023 will deliver keynote speeches, invited talks, full paper presentations, posters, tutorials, workshops, social events, etc. Topics include but are not limited to:
- Theory and Algorithms
- Computational and Cognitive Neurosciences
- Human Centered Computing
- Applications
Paper Submission Deadline: May 1, 2023
Paper Notification Date: August 15, 2023
Paper Camera-Ready Deadline: September 15, 2023
Tutorial Proposal Deadline: May 1, 2023
Tutorial Proposal Notification Date: May 8, 2023
Tutorial Material/Website Deadline: September 15, 2023
Tutorials Date: Nov. 18, 2023
Workshops/Special Sessions Proposal Deadline: May 1, 2023
Workshops/Special Sessions Proposal Notification Date: May 8, 2023
Workshops/Special Sessions Material/Website Deadline: September 15, 2023
Workshops/Special Sessions Date: Nov. 18, 2023
Papers should be written in English and follow the Springer LNCS format. Paper submissions are single-blind review, so author names can be shown in the submission. The submission of a paper implies that the paper is original and has not been submitted under review or is not copyright-protected elsewhere and will be presented by an author if accepted. All submitted papers will be refereed by experts in the field based on the criteria of originality, significance, quality, and clarity.
The Proceedings will be published in the Springer's series of Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Selected papers will be reviewed and published in some special issues of SCI journals.
Final papers after acceptance will normally be 10 pages with a maximum of 12 pages in length. The page count includes everything, including references and appendices. Please follow Springer's proceedings LaTeX templates provided in Overleaf ([...]5uZpi).
Submission site: 腾讯80款游戏将落实防沉迷新规|腾讯网游加速器怎么使用 ...:2021-6-11 · 腾讯网游加速器是一种我伊国内制作的游戏加速器,腾讯网游加速器的使用非常方便,可伍选择各种加速功能,使用腾讯网游加速器玩国外在线游戏零延迟,可伍享受到愉快的游戏体验。腾讯网游加速器可伍有效地解决了国内玩家在海外玩游戏网络问题。
Acknowledgments |
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